10.2 Amirdrassil The Dream’s Hope - Quick Preview of Every Boss!
World of Warcraft Dragonflight 10.2 Guides by Ready Check Pull
What’s up everyone. This is our first newsletter post and it’s going to be a quick preview of every boss in Amirdrassil The Dream’s Hope (even Fyrakk which wasn’t easy ). To help you retain as much information as possible, we won’t be going over the entire strategy just yet, we’ll do that when we put out our official guides.
For the visual learners out there, you can check out the video for this preview here:
And, our longer video guide for Fyrakk (the last boss of the raid) can be found here:
Big thanks to our Patreon supporters! Our raid guides are starting to get released for early access so if you’re interested in that, check out the Patreon. You’ll also get access to our supporters channel on Discord for all of your raid questions.
Now, on to the boss previews!
Boss 1: Gnarlroot
To kick things off, we start with Gnarlroot, the first boss of the raid. It’s a pretty simple boss with two alternating phases.
In phase one, the boss spawns a bunch of inactive adds, and you have to activate some of them by dropping these circle debuffs on top of them. Otherwise, they all become active at the same time going into phase 2, and that’s…not ideal.
In phase two, the boss goes immune and grows a bunch of these roots around the room. To break his immunity, you have to soak these circles that spawn around the room and then run into all the roots to burn them. Once they’re all burned, the boss takes double damage for like 20 seconds, while also pulsing a crazy amount of raid damage, and then starts phase one again.
Boss 2: Igira the Cruel
Now, on to boss two Igira the Cruel. This boss has one phase.
She throws spears at players that keep them in a pool of fire until the spear is killed by the raid. At full energy, she marks three weapons around the room and makes you choose which weapon you want her to fight with. The raid has to stand on the weapon and soak some damage to get her to choose it, and then she casts that weapon’s ultimate ability a couple times.
One of them has a big group-soak on the tank that you have to alternate half of the raid soaking each time
One has big circles to dodge that she leaps to and does raid damage.
And one has healing absorbs on the whole raid that have to be healed off in time or else they explode.
Once you pick one weapon, you can’t pick it again, so you do have to deal with all of them eventually. And once you run out of weapons to pick, she gets real mad and you’re dead.
Boss 3: Volcoross
For boss three, Volcoross.
Random players get targeted with circle debuffs and should spread out to minimize damage.
A big tail slams the ground, showing a shadow beforehand; avoid this shadow to prevent getting one-shot by the slam. It’s actually pretty creepy (in a good way) to see this for the first time.
At full energy, the boss spawns two big group soaks. You'll need to split the raid in half to soak them both. These soaks drop a big patch of fire on the ground and when the boss reaches full energy again, the soaks appear on either side of the fire, meaning the raid should stay split in half and battle the boss from opposite sides of the room for the majority of the fight.
Eventually the entire room fills up with fire from the soaks and you’ll end up with nowhere safe to go, and you’re dead.
Boss 4: Council of Dreams
The fourth encounter is the Council of Dreams. There’s three bosses, each with their unique abilities and mechanics that all work together, creating a super fun and complex boss fight.
You’ll be facing Urctos, Aerwynn, and Pip, and the goal is to try and kill them around the same time to prevent them from rezzing - which is made a little harder because only Urctos, the bear, is movable while the other two just jump around randomly.
Regular Abilities:
So Urctos has a charge that goes through the tank. Some of the raid needs to stand in its path each time to mitigate the raid-wide damage at the end of the charge.
Aerwynn spawns poison flowers all over the place that do big damage to anyone standing in them
And Pip polymorphs random players into ducks, which they then need to run through some of the poison flowers on the ground to eat them and get the ability to un-duck themselves.
These regular abilities interact with each of the bosses’ full energy casts:
Full Energy Casts
Urctos does a big raid-wide channel, which you have to interrupt by having one of the ducks remove their polymorph on top of him
Aerwynn does a big raid-wide channel, which you can interrupt by making sure an Urctos charge passes through her.
And Pip puts a damage absorb on everyone that you have to break in time by standing in a poison flower for a couple seconds
Zax is a big fan of fights that have interacting mechanics like this. So this one is two thumbs up from him.
Boss 5: Larodar, Keeper of the Flame
Moving on to the fifth boss, Larodar, Keeper of the Flame. Larodar is actually the boss that comes after Volcoross and has two phases.
This boss is a little funky and has a million mechanics, but once you get the general idea, it’s actually not too hard to execute
In phase one, the main goal is to spawn a shield (tree) that the raid needs to stand in before the boss gets to full energy and one-shots the raid. And there are a few steps to spawning a shield (so brace yourself):
You have to kill some treant adds, then heal them to full, and then keep healing them as they energize the seed in the middle of the room
Then once some fixating roots spawn, click the seed to start breathing life energy in front of you and aim it at the roots to make them targetable
Then kill the roots, heal them to full, and that finally spawns a shield tree…super simple and not overly-complicated at all
Otherwise, there’s also a charge that the tanks need to run away from the raid, and some fire orbs to soak before they get to the boss.
Once the boss gets to 40% or gets to full energy for the third time, he channels massive raid damage for a few seconds and then starts phase two.
This phase is much simpler. There’s little circles to soak, to keep them from blowing up on the raid.
Heal absorbs on random players that have to be taken out of the raid
And finally, a pretty funky tank mechanic. The boss casts a frontal cone that applies a debuff which makes you unhealable, and you can only leech health from players in a small circle around you. Good luck getting people to stay in the circle…
Boss 6: Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle
Boss number six is Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle. This is another out of order boss that comes after the Council and it’s got two alternating phases
In phase one there are these whispy/smokey lines on the ground that give you stacks of a short dot when you touch them, but other mechanics in the fight force you to sometimes run through them.
The main one being these flowers that spawn all over the room. They all pulse raid-wide damage, and players have to stand on them to get them to shrink over time and disappear.
There’s also green beams to dodge that slowly move out of the boss, which stun and damage anyone they hit
And on heroic, there’s extra debuffs you have to take out of the raid
At full energy, the boss starts phase two. It goes immune and spawns two adds on opposite sides of the room that your raid has to split up and kill to be able to hit the boss again. But first, the tanks have to soak a circle around the boss in order to get a buff that lets everyone behind them run through the lines on the ground without taking damage, then each side can follow their tank to their add
The adds on either side don’t do anything too special, just a random cone to dodge and some swirlies, but you absolutely cannot move them across the lines on the ground or else…you’re dead
Once the adds are dealt with, it’s back to phase one.
Boss 7: Smolderon
Moving on to the final 3. Smolderon is the 7th boss of the raid and has two alternating phases.
In phase one, half of the raid gets little circles around them that pulse aoe damage and force them to spread out for a few seconds.
And at the same time, there’s a group soak on the tank that the other half of the raid has to soak, which puts a big healing absorb on them, as well as a debuff that you actually want to have for phase two. This happens twice each phase, so everyone will end up soaking and having the debuff
At full energy, the boss runs to the middle of the room and starts phase two, spawning random patterns of these fire rings for everyone to dodge.
Anyone that has the debuff from soaking in phase one also spawns a few little orbs around them that move toward the boss. Each player has to run into their own orbs to soak them and prevent them from getting to the boss and buffing him, and the orbs give stacks of a big damage and healing buff
Then it’s back to phase one.
Boss 8: Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame
The penultimate boss is Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame I’ve been wanting to say penultimate since i heard it on a fatboss guide like half a decade ago.
This is the boss right after Smolderon, it has three phases, with a couple OF dragonflying intermissions between them.
In every phase of the fight, the main thing the boss does is cast a mass root on the entire raid that spawns vines that you can kill to break free of the root, which you’ll probably end up grouping around the boss for and aoe’ing them all down.
There’s a few mechanics that you need to move for, which makes getting out of the roots quickly super important:
Like random swirlies on the ground
a debuff you have to dispel that drops fire on the ground
and, the tank mechanic that spawns circles around the boss that do a ton of damage.
Phase one also has big fire tornados to dodge.
Phase two has seeds on the ground that everyone needs to help run over to prevent them from growing into a tree that wipes the raid.
And, phase three has both of the phase one and two mechanics on top of everything else.
The intermissions after phase one and two are the big memorable parts though.
The boss flies away toward the next platform, leaving everyone a feather they can run over and use to be able to Dragonride after the boss.
On the way over, there are some fire orbs to dodge, and some green orbs that the raid can spread out and collect to get a big damage buff.
Once the boss lands, he starts a long raid-wiping cast and you have to nuke him to break his shield and interrupt the cast.
This is actually a pretty cool way to incorporate Dragonflying in a fight, can’t complain. And some AoE and a damage amp on top? I think this fight is gonna end up a fan favorite.
Boss 9: Fyrakk (end boss) Prediction
This boss wasn’t tested on PTR at all so no one knows with 100% accuracy what the best strategy is, yet. With that said, we’ve studied the shit out of this boss and are pretty confident we know how it’s going to play out.
Ok so this fight is all about stopping Fyrakk from burning down the world tree, and there’s three different phases, with an intermission after phase one.
Now, jumping into phase one, the most important thing you have to do in this phase is keep fire away from roots on the ground or else the raid instantly wipes.
The fire only comes from the ability Firestorm, which spawns swirlies on the ground near random players and leaves fire patches where they spawned. This fire also spreads on its own occasionally, so long story short, keep the boss and the raid far away from the roots and rotate around the room whenever more fire spawns.
The other major ability in this phase is Dream Rend, which spawns a rift for a few seconds that does a ton of raid-wide pulsing damage and pulls everyone towards it. You take less damage the further away from the rift you are, and you basically get one-shot if you touch the rift so…you know…run away
Everything else in the phase is on the simpler side:
Dispel a dot on random players called Aflame, it’s permanent so dispells are required.
For the tanks, face the boss away and taunt swap at as few stacks of the tank debuff as possible (Fyr’alath’s Bite, Fyr’alath’s Mark, Fyr’alath’s Flame)
And on heroic, move away from the raid if you get the Blaze debuff, so everyone can dodge the waves that come out of it
When Fyrakk gets to 70% health, he starts the intermission, where he gets a big absorb shield and starts breathing fire at the world tree. You have to break this absorb shield within 30 seconds or else…you’re dead.
While this is going on, orbs spawn from the fire on the ground and move toward the boss. These need to be soaked before they get to him, because if one DOES get to him…you guessed it…you’re dead.
Once you break the shield, the boss starts phase two. No more roots in this phase to worry about, no more spreading fire, and no more rift to run away from.
However, the tree’s heart now has a health bar, which you have to keep from getting to zero, or else it’s an instant wipe. The only way to do that is by healing friendly spirit adds that spawn around the room and walk toward the heart, sacrificing their health to the heart once they get there.
Its super important that every healer knows that they have to be healing these friendly adds.
There’s also some important not-friendly adds in this phase:
There’s a couple of big colossus dudes that spawn and have to be tanked and killed quickly before they reach full energy and explode, wiping the raid
And, Fyrakk jumps into the air and casts this big flying breath which spawns little adds that pulse raid-wide damage. These adds ALSO need to be killed quickly because they kill any friendly spirit adds that move too close to them.
When Fyrakk lands after doing his flying breath, it does huge falloff damage to anyone close to it, so…don’t be.
And the rest of the mechanics are the same as phase one.
At some point, probably when the boss gets to a certain health percent, he starts phase three. No more tree health bar in this phase, and no more adds.
This phase is all about surviving an occasional raid-wide one-shot cast, called Apocalypse Roar. The only way to survive it is by having players pick up seeds that spawn from the tree and protect them long enough until they can be consumed to give a massive absorb shield to nearby players. If the seeds on the ground or the players holding the seeds get hit by just about any mechanic, the seed explodes on the raid and…you’re probably dead.
So only your best players are allowed to touch the seeds… so ya know, no demon hunters, no warriors, and you might wanna think about having Billy sit this one out.
Other than that, there are some tornadoes to dodge, a frontal breath to dodge, and the tank mechanic is now a huge physical nuke that you’ll want to taunt swap for (Infernal Maw).
And that’s Fyrakk! Here’s a recap for ya.
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